New Sleeves to Wear and A Daily Pill You Need to Take
In the world we live in today, it is increasingly common to find that people are egocentric. A lot of the wrong things that go on in society today are a causative effect of greed, selfishness, envy, jealousy, bitterness, resentment and the list goes on and on. It would amaze you how much things would turn around if everyone took a daily pill of kindness and wore sleeves of consideration.
There is a need to come to the realization of the fact that the world would become a better place to live in if we genuinely cared for each other. Each and every one of us owes it to the world to leave it in a better condition than we met it. It may seem like a trivial topic for discussion. On the contrary, that idea cannot be farther from the truth. . A small act of kindness would change the outcome of a person’s life. A lot of times, we are unaware of the ripple effects of being kind to just one person. We should learn to replace anger and resentment with understanding and sympathy.
While it’s important to consciously take care of yourself, it’s more important to help others. This would attract help for you when you need it. Jim Rohn has said, “He who serves the most reaps the most”. It doesn’t have to be anything extraordinary. It could start from something as little as making someone smile when they’re having a bad day. You could call-in just to check up on them or compliment their looks, smile or dressing. That something ‘little’ you do can mean a whole lot and go a long way in someone’s life.
Whether you choose to do something big or something small, you’re making a positive impact either way. I challenge you today to consciously sow an act of kindness to someone around you. Permit me to end with this quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well”.
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