How to double your productivity; The three most effective way
One of the most satisfying feelings for me is knowing that I achieved everything I set out to do for the day except accomplishing more, that gets me really hyped. time is what we desire the most yet we mismanage the one we have. Many of us in our youth never really accept that deep-down knowledge that the four hours spent doing quite literally nothing are hours we will fight tooth and nail to gain back. But we never will; time doesn’t work like that. Being productive sounds daunting to many yet there are steps you can use to achieve much in so little time. To stay top of your game in your work place you have to set your plans right and doing so does not have to be a hard task neither do you have to procrastinate any of your to do list. the mindset to which you set out to do your daily task is as important as the task itself, remember that “mind matters” and we conquer first in our minds. for workplace productivity to be achieved, it is important that you take the right steps, here are some of the most easy step to take to help you scale through those task at hand.
* Don’t put all heavy task in one list.
* Learn to break them accordingly. you don’t have to have three demanding task a day you can have two heavy task and one easy to do task that way you don’t break down at the end of the day.
* Keep your list between 3 – 5. It is always better to clearly outline with the achievable, trying to put all heavy task in a day would have most of them incomplete. keep the list short so as to have ample time to serve each better.
* Prioritize your list, make sure to stick to your list as it is the most important task for you for the day, even in the case of emergency learn to reshuffle and reset the dates but regardless make sure you get through the three most important thing you set out to do.
* Have a time you have set out to work on each of them, nothing serves a better reminder as a a task with a time at hand.
* Learn to delegate some task, if you are building a team trust them with some task and keep tabs on it, and if you must please outsource some work.
* Have a daily self routine, especially in the morning, morning routine are essential to aid productivity during the day. a walk, dance routine, prayer exercise. wehat ever works well for you should be a daily routine.
* When you are setting up your to-do list for the day remember to place breaks at regular intervals to refresh your mind. Be strict about ensuring you get enough stops to re-energize your thoughts. 5 – 10min break work really well. It depends on your task, of course, to know what is possible. Just don’t make it a one-hour break after an eight hour hike—that is counter-productive!
* Eat healthy, everyone knows most restaurant serve fast food but you can also make that stop at that breakfast café and eat something your body would thank you for. optimize your sleep rest is very important before or after the days work so make sure to get some.
Remember, if it takes less than five minutes to do, do it immediately. Continue to have a productive week everyone.
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